Ingrediente coca/Pastry ingredients:
- 200 g faina/flour
- sare/a pinch of salt
- 115 g unt, la temperatura camerei/butter, at room temperature
- 1 galbenus/1 egg yolk
- 2 linguri apa rece/2 tbs cold water
Ingrediente umplutura/Filling ingredients:
- 8 fasii de sunca afumata/smoked bacon
- 300 ml smantana/heavy cream
- 3 oua + 2 galbenusuri/3 eggs + 2 yolks
- 25 g unt/butter
- sare, piper negru/salt, black pepper
Amestecam faina + sare + unt + apa rece + galbenusul de ou si framantam coca, eu am folosit robotul. Se lasa la rece 20'. Apoi se intinde intr-o forma de tarta, cat mai uniform si se da iar la rece./To make the pastry, place the flour, salt, butter, egg yolk and cold water in a food processor and process until blended. Leave to rest, into refrigerator, for 20'. Roll out the pastry and use to line the flan tin, trimming off any overhanging pieces. Chill again.
Intre timp taiem bucatile de sunca afumata si le prajim, pana devin usor crocante. Le asezam in tava./Meanwhile, snip the bacon into small pieces and broil until the fat runs. Arrange in the pastry case.
Se bate smantana + ouale + galbenusurile + sare + piper si se toarna in forma. Apoi se baga la cuptor, primele 15' la foc mare, iar urmatoarele 20' la foc potrivit. Se scoate din cuptor, se pun cubulete de unt deasupra si se lasa sa se racoreasca 10'-15'./Beat together the cream, the eggs and yolks and seasoning, then pour into the pastry case. When the filling is puffed up and golden brown and the pastry edge crisp, remove the quiche from the oven and top with small cubes of butter. Leave to stand for 10-15' before serving.

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