Prajitura cu mere
- 4 oua/eggs
- 200 gr. zahar/sugar
- 200 gr. faina/flour
- 70 gr. ulei/oil
- 1 lingurita praf de copt/1 tsp. baking soda
- coaja de lamaie/lemon zest
- un praf de sare sare/a pinch of salt
- esenta de vanilie/vanilla extract
Acest blat il folosesc la foarte multe tipuri de prajituri.
- 6 -7 mere/apples
- 100 gr. unt/butter
- 100 gr. zahar/sugar (or by taste)
- nuci/walnuts
- scortisoara/cinnamon
Incepem cu umplutura. Razuim merele (fara coaja) si le calim in unt/Fry the grated apples with butter
apoi adaugam zahar/add sugar
nuci tocate, nu foarte marunt/chopped walnuts
stingem focul, lasam sa se raceasca compozitia si adaugam scortisoara/turn of the stove, let the filling cool down and add cinnamon
Si acum ne ocupam de blat. Separam albusurile de galbenusuri. Peste galbenusuri adaugam putina sare. Batem albusurile spuma cu zaharul + praful de copt stins in zeama de lamaie. Galbenusurile le amestecam cu ulei si le adaugam peste albusurile batute spuma/Now the dough, separate the whites from the yolks. Put some salt over the yolks. Beat well the whites + sugar + baking soda (mixed with some lemon juice). Mix yolks with oil and add on the beaten whites
Si acum faina/Now the flour
Coaja de lamaie + esenta de vanilie/Lemon zest + vanilla extract
Turnam jumatate din compozitie in tava. Se baga la cuptor, la foc iute, pentru 5 min. sa se coaca putin, ca sa nu treaca merele prin compozitie./In a tray pour half of the dough and put it, for 5 min. ino the oven. This will help apples to stay on top of the dough
Adaugam merele/Add the apples
Si turnam restul de compozitie/And pour the rest of the dough on top of the apples
Se coace la foc potrivit, pana se rumeneste/Bake on moderate fire until it will get nice and brown
Pudram cu zahar/Sprinkle sugar powder
Taiem punem pe mancat/Cut in pieces and ..digg in !
Si mai de aproape ca sa-i simtiti gustul/Closer view