magic... because you’ll eat it all, just can’t stop !
- unt/butter 200 gr.
- branza de vaci/cottage cheese 200 gr.
- faina/flour 200 gr.
- cascaval ras/pressed cheese
- chimen/cumin
- ou/egg
- sare/salt

se mixeaza untul + faina + branza de vaci + putina sare
mix up butter + flour + cottage cheese + some salt

coca obtinuta se baga la frigider pentru 2 ore
put the dough, for 2 hours, in the fridge

apoi se intinde o foaie, nici prea groasa, nici prea zic cam de 3 - 4 mm
flatten out the dough on a lightly floured surface, not to thin or thick, about 3-4 mm

se unge foaia cu oul bine batut, se presara cu putina sare + chimen + cascaval ras
cover the dough with the beaten egg, sprinkle some salt + cumin + grated pressed cheese

se taie betigase, sau orice forme doriti si se baga la cuptor, la foc potrivit, iar cand s-au rumenit....sunt gata ! Super simplu !
cut it off like sticks, or something else, as you desire and and cook until they brown

Super gustoase !!!!! Si ”papusa mea” Lizica e prima la masa...te pui cu ”sefa” ??!!!??? cat is fan off magic sticks