Carnati de casa ”Home made sausages”

- carne de porc/pork meat
- carne de vita/veal meat
- grasime de porc/lard
- mate de porc/pork intestine
- sare/salt
- usturoi/garlic
- piper/black pepper
- boia iute/hot pepper
- cimbru/savory
- cold water
spalam carnea/wash the meat

o taiem in bucati/cut in small pieces

o tocam/mince meat

adaugam condimentele, dupa gust (usturoiul + sare si putina apa le-am amestecat in blender, pana a devenit o pasta)/add the spices, on taste (blend the garlic + salt + water until you obtain a paste)

se amesteca foarte bine compozitia adaugandu-se apa rece/mix well and add, from time to time, cold the end it will look like that

pregatim matele, adica le spalam in apa rece/wash well the pork intestines

si le umplem/fill in

si gata carnatii pentru sarbatorile de iarna/this is it!

eu ii pun la geam, la bucatarie, adica ii atarn ca sa se usuce putin, acum e perfect ca e frig afara

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