- carne de vita/veal meat
Legume fierte/Boiled vegetables:
- cartofi/potatoes
- morcovi/carrots
- telina/celery root
- mazare/pees
restul ingredientelor:
- castraveti murati/pickled cucumbers
- masline/olives
- gogosari murati/pickled capsicums
- maioneza/mayonnaise

Am fiert carnea si in zeama ei am fiert legumele. Se taie marunt toate legumele, mai putin mazarea + carnea si se amesteca/finelly cut the vegetables (not the pees) and veal meat

Adaugam maioneza, eu o fac cu galbenusuri crude + fierte (e mai gustoasa)/add mayo

Asezam pe platou(ri)/arange on plates, as you wish