Ingrediente aluat/For the pastry:
- 65 g faina/all purpose flour
- un varf de cutit sare/pinch of salt
- 50 g unt/butter
- 150 ml apa/water
- 2 oua/eggs
Intr-o cratita se pune apa + unt si se lasa, la foc mic, sa se topesca untul, apoi la foc iute pana da primul clocot. Se trage de pe foc si se adauga toata faina, amestecand repede sa nu se faca cocoloase, apoi se pune iar pe foc (mic) si se mai amesteca pana se desprinde coca de peretii vasului si se formeaza o mingiuta./Heat the butter and water in a pan, very gently, until the butter melts. Increase the heat and bring to a rolling boil. Remove the pan from the heat and immediately tip in all the flour. Beat vigurously with a wooden spoon until the flour is mixed into the liquid. Return the pan to a low heat, then beat the mixture until it leaves the sides of the pan and forms a ball.
Se lasa la racit pentru 5 min. si apoi se incorporeaza ouale (batute), putin cate putin, amestecand bine pana se obtine o coca catifelata si destul de densa pentru a-si mentine forma. Apoi punem compozitia intr-o punga si formam, in tava tapetata cu hartie, bastonase./Set the pan aside and allow to cool for 5 min. Add the beaten eggs, a little at a time, beating well after each addition, until you have a smooth, shiny paste, which is thick enough to hold it's shape. Spoon the pastry into a pipping bag.
Se coc pentru 20 - 30 min. pana se umfla si se rumenesc. Se scot din cuptor si se lasa sa se raceasca, dupa ce au fost taiate la jumatate pentru a iesi aburul din ele. Pentru umplutura:se bate frisca cu zaharul + esenta de vanilie. Bake for 20 - 30 min. until the pastries are well risen and golden brown. Remove from the oven and make a neat slit along the side to release the steam. Cool on a wire rack. To make the filling: whip the cream with the icing sugar and vanilla essence.
Pentru glazura/Glaze:
- 100 g de ciocolata neagra/dark chocolate/ se topeste pe baie de apa cu
- 2 linguri de apa,/water/ dupa care se ia de pe foc si se adauga
- 25 g de unt/butter
Se trece capacul fiecarui ecler prin ciocolata topita.
Place the chocolate and water in a small bowl set over a pan of hot water. Melt, stirring until smooth. Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the butter. Carefully dip the top of each éclair in the melted chocolate.
Am primit o carte minunata - BEST EVER PASTRY, CATHERINE ATKINSON -, cadou de Craciun de la un coleg de serviciu si m-am hotarat sa fac tot ce pot, ce sunt in stare, din ea. Si am inceput, evident cu ce e mai usor
, Eclair.