Inainte de toate m-am apucat sa prajesc putin migdalele

300 gr. faina/flour
200 gr. zahar/sugar
¼ lingurita sare/tsp. salt
1 lingurita praf de copt/tsp. baking powder
250 gr. margarina/vegetable shortening
1 ou/egg
1-2 lingurite esenta migdale/tsp.almond extract
1 lingura apa/tbs. water
1 galbenus/yolk
1 lingura lapte/tbs. milk

Se amesteca primele 4 ingrediente/Sift the first four ingredients together into a large bowl

Se adauga margarina si se amesteca, dar nu prea mult/Cut the vegetable shortening in with a pastry blender, or rub it between your fingers until the mix is very crumbly.

Se bate oul cu esenta de migdale + apa si se adauga peste compozitia de mai sus/ In a small bowl, combine the beaten egg with the almond extract and water
Am gasit la un TCM colorant alimentar asa ca am bagat un pic de citron ca sa fie mai vesele !!!
Se framanta aluatul cu mana si se formeaza o minge/Use your hands to quickly form a firm ball of dough.
Se infasoara intr-o folie si se baga la frigider pentru 2 ore/Cover in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Se incalzeste cuptorul, se unge o tava si se tapeteaza cu hartie, apoi se fac sfere mici din aluat si se pun in tava, se lasa loc intre ele/ Preheat oven, grease baking sheets and place the dough balls on baking sheets
Se infige cate o migdala in centru (migdala, nuca, aluna etc. dupa dorinta)/Press one whole almond into the center of each cookie.
Apoi se ung deasupra cu galbenusul batut cu lapte/ Mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon of milk. Using a pastry brush, brush some of the glaze over each cookie.
Se coc aproximativ 12 minute, pana se rumenesc usor/ Bake approximately 12 minutes or until the cookies are very lightly browned.
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